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ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) Services

Rendering Exceptional Structural Design Solutions For Your Secondary Living Space

Erusu Consultants is highly experienced in designing and constructing accessory dwelling units, commonly called as ADUs. Considering that ADUs are very often used as guest houses, or are usually rented out, they need to be designed just as thoughtfully as you would the main residential space. Luckily for our clients, our team consists of some of the best industry experts in structural design, for whom balancing functionality with artistic vision is a cakewalk.

The Best ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) Design Services in California

There are various locations within their residential lot where clients choose to build their ADUs. They can either be detached from the main house, while within the same lot, or built above the garage space. Many people also prefer converting their entire garage space into an ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) , while others convert their basement or attics, too. Irrespective of the type of ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) you prefer to build, the structural experts at Erusu Consultants will make sure to give you the best structural design solutions for your secondary living space, including the necessary housing codes and regulations you may need to follow for the same. Our hands-on approach to managing your project allows us to internalize your vision and make it work.

Innovative Structural Solutions For Smaller Spaces

The tricky part about designing ADUs is being able to provide the perfect amenities within a much more constricted space. The goal is to ensure ample space for movement and functionality and blend it with a visual appeal in a much smaller area. This is why at Erusu Consultants, we give you the most innovative designs for ADUs, which are bound to sweep you off your feet.

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10880 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1101 Los Angeles, CA 90024